We offer an extensive range of dental services, using the latest techniques and technologies, to increase patient comfort and convenience. You can find out about all of the treatments available throughout our practice here.

Dental Crowns

Teeth with large fillings, broken or endodontically treated, need to be covered by a crown that restore shape and function. A dental crown is permanently cemented onto the prepared tooth structure and fully covers the portion of tooth that lies above the gum line.

The dental crowns commonly offered by TMC are:

1. Porcelain fused to metal dental crown- this type of dental crown is often used on posterior (back) teeth due to the strength that the semi-precious metal can provide during chewing. The covering porcelain gives the dental restoration a natural looking quality.

2. Full porcelain dental crown- this type of crown consists of a very thin ceramic shell covered by layers of porcelain to resemble the shading and translucency of a natural tooth, this dental restoration is often indicated for anterior (front) teeth.

A bridge is one of the restorations we offer at TMC to replace missing teeth. It can be porcelain fused to metal or full porcelain bridge. A dental bridge can be used to replace a single missing tooth or a couple of teeth that are missing in a row. The bridge, which includes two dental crowns and an artificial tooth called a pontic, is anchored on the adjacent natural teeth or dental implants. By placing the crowns on the anchoring teeth, the bridge is held in place.

Your dental bridge in TMC , will be custom designed and created to fit your smile aesthetically and comfortably. To learn more about bridges and our other tooth replacement options, we welcome you to call or visit us soon at The Trucare Medical Center.

Removable dentures
A denture is a removable dental appliance replacing missing teeth and surrounding tissue. There are two types of dentures- complete and partial dentures. Complete dentures are used when all of the teeth are missing, while partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain. A complete denture may be either “conventional” or “immediate.” A conventional type is made after the teeth have been removed and the gum tissue has healed, usually taking 4 to 6 weeks. Immediate dentures are made in advance and immediately placed after the teeth are removed, thus preventing the patient from having to be without teeth during the healing period. Once the tissues shrink and heal, adjustments will have to be made. Dentures are very durable appliances and will last many years, but may have to be remade, repaired, or readjusted due to normal wear.

Indications of dentures:
• Complete denture- Loss of all teeth in an arch.
• Partial denture- Loss of several teeth in arch.
• Enhancing smile and facial tissues.
• Improving chewing, speech, and digestion.

Teeth whitening

If you want a brighter sparkling smile, TMC specialists are ready to help you. This procedure can be done in office after applying whitening gel on teeth, a laser light is focused on teeth to activate the product. The other method is home bleaching where the patient is given syringes of hydrogen peroxide from 15% to 45% concentration depending on discoloration and sensitivity threshold of the patient. The gel is put in a soft tray. Wear time depends on which concentration is used. The two methods can be combined.

Patients may have sensitive teeth, and should avoid:
• Consuming colored foods and drinks, such as wine, coffee, soda, and tea.
• Poor dental care and oral hygiene habits.
• Smoking and other types of tobacco use.

Endodontic Treatment

If u feel acute pain on hot, cold or biting or if you had any swelling, you definitely have a decayed or injured tooth. In case the pulp (nerve, blood vessels) inside your tooth may be infected and needs root canal therapy (Endodontic treatment) to avoid the spread of bacteria toward the roots till the surrounding bone, and to avoid tooth extraction.

Endodontic treatment may take one or two visits depending on the difficulty of the case (calcified, narrow or severe curved canals and previously treated tooth)

The use of new rotary NiTi instruments and novel endo material technology helps shorten the time of treatment that can be done most of the cases in one visit.

The use of adequate anesthesia, reduces the pain. Postoperative discomfort can be managed by pain killers and/or antibiotics.

Oral Pathology

While we are interested in esthetics, many oral lesions in inaccessible and dangerous areas, such the posterior part of the tongue, the soft or hard palate, cheek lining, lips, and gum tissue go unreported and can progress to a critical stage. The oral pathology specialist can screen the lesion and prevent its potential cancerous transformation if remained undiagnosed.

Oral cancer can start out as a tiny red or white sore or spot anywhere in the mouth. High risk patients for oral cancer are:

• Heavy tobacco users.
• Heavy alcohol users.
• Patients who have previously had oral cancer.

For a complete oral examination and screening, get an appointment with our specialist and have all your questions and concerns answered.


If you have bleeding, tender gum and bad breath, if you see stains, calculus or tartar on your teeth then you have gum problems and you should consult your periodontist.

The sooner you seek care, the better your chances are of reversing damage to your gum. Potentially preventing other serious health problems linked to it. The first stage of gum disease is gingivitis, and one cleaning session is sufficient to treat it.

An advanced gingivitis or periodontitis is diagnosed as red bleeding gum, spacing between your teeth and/or mobility, in this case deep cleaning and root planning is needed.

  • Gum recession is treated by tissue regeneration and gingival graft.
  • Bone loss can be corrected by bone graft.

For complete care, it is important to have a regular checkup and professional cleaning every six months.


Lumineers are a type of porcelain veneers that provide the patients with noticeably whiter and straighter smile.

Lumineers are often used as an enduring cosmetic answer for teeth that are misaligned, chipped, stained, or discolored. If you have already had dental work done like bridgework or crowns, lumineers can still be applied to your teeth without the need to replace the existing work. Some of the traditional veneers require a more aggressive approach that can cause long-term damage to your tooth structure. The minimally invasive lumineers technique eliminates the needs for anesthesia and temporaries.

Advantages of lumineers:

  • No pain
  • No anesthesia
  • No removal of sound tooth
  • Less chair time
  • Cosmetic contouring, limited to non-sensitive tooth structure reversible
  • No post-op tooth sensitivity

Why don’t you try it? It is a very good choice for a nice smile


Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are very thin pieces of porcelain that are custom designed to fit over the front surface of your teeth to give you a beautiful and attractive smile. Our specialist might suggest dental veneers to hide the flaws in your smile, such as:

  • Chips & cracks
  • Gaps between your teeth
  • Misshaped teeth
  • Severely discolored or stained teeth
  • Teeth that are too small or too large

Veneers placement can be accomplished in two visits, with little or no anesthesia required during the Procedure. Because veneers are made of porcelain, they can match your ideal tooth color to give you a beautiful, dazzling smile.

Oral Surgery

Dentistry nowadays becomes very different, a lot of procedures and surgical treatments are done with minimally invasive techniques and less postoperative side effects.

This is why wisdom tooth removal and treatment of oral tumors and cysts become easy and simple.

The Trucare Medical Center, offers several surgical treatments to help you improve the health, function, and appearance of your smile. These includes:

  • Tooth extraction- in some cases, removing a seriously infected or decayed tooth may be the best option for restoring your oral health. We may also recommend tooth extraction for severely over crowded smile.
  • Dental implants- dental implants surgery procedures are performed in a fast painless technique. Within 8 to 12 weeks, the final extraction can be placed.
  • Removal of oral cysts.
  • Bone graft and tissue regeneration
  • Sinus lift or Bone augmentation of sinus floor: in case of bone loss in this area and difficulty to put an implant
  • Apicectomy: is a surgical technique carried out under local anesthetic that can be used to remove part of an infected root below the level of the gum enabling the lifespan of the tooth to be increased.

Our skilled team will ensure that your oral surgery treatment is as comfortable and painless as possible. We will be glad to outline each step of the treatment is as comfortable and painless as possible. We will be glad to outline each step of the treatment and healing process to make certain you feel informed and confident about your treatment.

We invite you to contact us today to learn more about oral surgery. We are happy to answer all of your questions.


Perfectly aligned and straight teeth make you look and feel Great!

Our orthodontic clinic has state of the art facilities and the latest technologies.

We provide:

  • Early orthodontic treatment for children
  • Colorful Braces for teenagers
  • Ceramic Braces for adults (Tooth colored braces) for improved esthetics
  • Invisible Lingual braces (placed behind the teeth) for ultimate esthetics
  • Clear aligners for adults and teens who want to discreetly straighten their teeth
  • The most up-to-date and sophisticated orthodontic procedures, including surgical and implant orthodontics, for patients with complex cases.

In our multi-specialty dental practice, our orthodontist is able to closely coordinate your case with our oral surgeon, periodontist, endodontist and family dentist to provide you with the best treatment and optimal perfect smile.

Conservative Dentistry

In case of mild to moderate pain on hot, cold or sweets, that disappear with the stimulus, your tooth is decayed and needs to be restored with a filling.

Actually white fillings named composite fillings are used after removal of decay and can match the color of the anterior and posterior teeth.

Composite fillings are hard enough to replace silver ones that are less and less used.

Composite fillings can be used to restore endodontically treated teeth and are often combined with fiber posts.

If the tooth is badly damaged to be filled but not too much to be crowned, a composite, ceramic, or gold restoration is adapted to replace the missed or broken part. This restoration is named an inlay or overlay.

Dental Implants

If the teeth are hopeless and should be extracted, they may be replaced by implants.
The dental implant process uses a system of small titanium replacement roots bonded to jaw bone to which a replacement tooth is affixed.

Implants are the solution for missing one or more teeth, at that time single crown or a bridge over implants should be done.

In case of total absence of teeth a fixed bridge can replace all teeth or removable denture over implants told overdenture can be done.

The periodontist is trained in all aspects of dental implant procedures, which can restore functionality to the mouth when teeth have been lost.

Pediatric Dentistry

Our pediatric dentists have the experience and qualifications to care for your child’s teeth from birth through adolescence. The first dental visit should occur within six months after the presence of the first tooth, or by a child’s first birthday.

The most important part of our treatment is based on preventive dentistry such as:

  • Motivation to a good oral hygiene
  • Diet modification
  • Early caries assessment
  • Fluoride and dental sealants application

We offer a full array of services including dental treatment of children with special needs, and treatment under general anesthesia for indicated cases.

Together we strive to provide a friendly and supportive atmosphere to your little ones and deliver the most positive dental experience.

  • Dental crowns:

    Dental Crowns

    Teeth with large fillings, broken or endodontically treated, need to be covered by a crown that restore shape and function. A dental crown is permanently cemented onto the prepared tooth structure and fully covers the portion of tooth that lies above the gum line.

    The dental crowns commonly offered by TMC are:

    1. Porcelain fused to metal dental crown- this type of dental crown is often used on posterior (back) teeth due to the strength that the semi-precious metal can provide during chewing. The covering porcelain gives the dental restoration a natural looking quality.

    2. Full porcelain dental crown- this type of crown consists of a very thin ceramic shell covered by layers of porcelain to resemble the shading and translucency of a natural tooth, this dental restoration is often indicated for anterior (front) teeth.

    A bridge is one of the restorations we offer at TMC to replace missing teeth. It can be porcelain fused to metal or full porcelain bridge. A dental bridge can be used to replace a single missing tooth or a couple of teeth that are missing in a row. The bridge, which includes two dental crowns and an artificial tooth called a pontic, is anchored on the adjacent natural teeth or dental implants. By placing the crowns on the anchoring teeth, the bridge is held in place.

    Your dental bridge in TMC, will be custom designed and created to fit your smile aesthetically and comfortably. To learn more about bridges and our other tooth replacement options, we welcome you to call or visit us soon at The Trucare Medical Center.

    Removable dentures
    A denture is a removable dental appliance replacing missing teeth and surrounding tissue. There are two types of dentures- complete and partial dentures. Complete dentures are used when all of the teeth are missing, while partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain. A complete denture may be either “conventional” or “immediate.” A conventional type is made after the teeth have been removed and the gum tissue has healed, usually taking 4 to 6 weeks. Immediate dentures are made in advance and immediately placed after the teeth are removed, thus preventing the patient from having to be without teeth during the healing period. Once the tissues shrink and heal, adjustments will have to be made. Dentures are very durable appliances and will last many years, but may have to be remade, repaired, or readjusted due to normal wear.

    Indications of dentures:
    • Complete denture- Loss of all teeth in an arch.
    • Partial denture- Loss of several teeth in arch.
    • Enhancing smile and facial tissues.
    • Improving chewing, speech, and digestion.

  • Teeth whitening:

    If you want a brighter sparkling smile, TMC specialists are ready to help you. This procedure can be done in office after applying whitening gel on teeth, a laser light is focused on teeth to activate the product. The other method is home bleaching where the patient is given syringes of hydrogen peroxide from 15% to 45% concentration depending on discoloration and sensitivity threshold of the patient. The gel is put in a soft tray. Wear time depends on which concentration is used. The two methods can be combined.

    Patients may have sensitive teeth, and should avoid:
    • Consuming colored foods and drinks, such as wine, coffee, soda, and tea.
    • Poor dental care and oral hygiene habits.
    • Smoking and other types of tobacco use.

  • Endodontic Treatment:

    If u feel acute pain on hot, cold or biting or if you had any swelling, you definitely have a decayed or injured tooth. In case the pulp (nerve, blood vessels) inside your tooth may be infected and needs root canal therapy (Endodontic treatment) to avoid the spread of bacteria toward the roots till the surrounding bone, and to avoid tooth extraction.

    Endodontic treatment may take one or two visits depending on the difficulty of the case (calcified, narrow or severe curved canals and previously treated tooth)

    The use of new rotary NiTi instruments and novel endo material technology helps shorten the time of treatment that can be done most of the cases in one visit.

    The use of adequate anesthesia, reduces the pain. Postoperative discomfort can be managed by pain killers and/or antibiotics.

  • Oral Pathology:

    While we are interested in esthetics, many oral lesions in inaccessible and dangerous areas, such the posterior part of the tongue, the soft or hard palate, cheek lining, lips, and gum tissue go unreported and can progress to a critical stage. The oral pathology specialist can screen the lesion and prevent its potential cancerous transformation if remained undiagnosed.

    Oral cancer can start out as a tiny red or white sore or spot anywhere in the mouth. High risk patients for oral cancer are:

    • Heavy tobacco users.
    • Heavy alcohol users.
    • Patients who have previously had oral cancer.

    For a complete oral examination and screening, get an appointment with our specialist and have all your questions and concerns answered.

  • Periodontics:

    If you have bleeding, tender gum and bad breath, if you see stains, calculus or tartar on your teeth then you have gum problems and you should consult your periodontist.

    The sooner you seek care, the better your chances are of reversing damage to your gum. Potentially preventing other serious health problems linked to it. The first stage of gum disease is gingivitis, and one cleaning session is sufficient to treat it.

    An advanced gingivitis or periodontitis is diagnosed as red bleeding gum, spacing between your teeth and/or mobility, in this case deep cleaning and root planning is needed.

    • Gum recession is treated by tissue regeneration and gingival graft.
    • Bone loss can be corrected by bone graft.

    For complete care, it is important to have a regular checkup and professional cleaning every six months.

    Dental Implants

    If the teeth are hopeless and should be extracted, they may be replaced by implants.
    The dental implant process uses a system of small titanium replacement roots bonded to jaw bone to which a replacement tooth is affixed.

    Implants are the solution for missing one or more teeth, at that time single crown or a bridge over implants should be done.

    In case of total absence of teeth a fixed bridge can replace all teeth or removable denture over implants told overdenture can be done.

    The periodontist is trained in all aspects of dental implant procedures, which can restore functionality to the mouth when teeth have been lost.

  • Lumineers:

    Lumineers are a type of porcelain veneers that provide the patients with noticeably whiter and straighter smile.

    Lumineers are often used as an enduring cosmetic answer for teeth that are misaligned, chipped, stained, or discolored. If you have already had dental work done like bridgework or crowns, lumineers can still be applied to your teeth without the need to replace the existing work. Some of the traditional veneers require a more aggressive approach that can cause long-term damage to your tooth structure. The minimally invasive lumineers technique eliminates the needs for anesthesia and temporaries.

    Advantages of lumineers:

    • No pain
    • No anesthesia
    • No removal of sound tooth
    • Less chair time
    • Cosmetic contouring, limited to non-sensitive tooth structure reversible
    • No post-op tooth sensitivity

    Why don’t you try it? It is a very good choice for a nice smile


    Porcelain Veneers

    Veneers are very thin pieces of porcelain that are custom designed to fit over the front surface of your teeth to give you a beautiful and attractive smile. Our specialist might suggest dental veneers to hide the flaws in your smile, such as:

    • Chips & cracks
    • Gaps between your teeth
    • Misshaped teeth
    • Severely discolored or stained teeth
    • Teeth that are too small or too large

    Veneers placement can be accomplished in two visits, with little or no anesthesia required during the Procedure. Because veneers are made of porcelain, they can match your ideal tooth color to give you a beautiful, dazzling smile.

  • Oral Surgery:

    Dentistry nowadays becomes very different, a lot of procedures and surgical treatments are done with minimally invasive techniques and less postoperative side effects.

    This is why wisdom tooth removal and treatment of oral tumors and cysts become easy and simple.

    The Trucare Medical Center, offers several surgical treatments to help you improve the health, function, and appearance of your smile. These includes:

    • Tooth extraction- in some cases, removing a seriously infected or decayed tooth may be the best option for restoring your oral health. We may also recommend tooth extraction for severely over crowded smile.
    • Dental implants- dental implants surgery procedures are performed in a fast painless technique. Within 8 to 12 weeks, the final extraction can be placed.
    • Removal of oral cysts.
    • Bone graft and tissue regeneration
    • Sinus lift or Bone augmentation of sinus floor: in case of bone loss in this area and difficulty to put an implant
    • Apicectomy: is a surgical technique carried out under local anesthetic that can be used to remove part of an infected root below the level of the gum enabling the lifespan of the tooth to be increased.

    Our skilled team will ensure that your oral surgery treatment is as comfortable and painless as possible. We will be glad to outline each step of the treatment is as comfortable and painless as possible. We will be glad to outline each step of the treatment and healing process to make certain you feel informed and confident about your treatment.

    We invite you to contact us today to learn more about oral surgery. We are happy to answer all of your questions.

  • Orthodontics:

    Perfectly aligned and straight teeth make you look and feel Great!

    Our orthodontic clinic has state of the art facilities and the latest technologies.

    We provide:

    • Early orthodontic treatment for children
    • Colorful Braces for teenagers
    • Ceramic Braces for adults (Tooth colored braces) for improved esthetics
    • Invisible Lingual braces (placed behind the teeth) for ultimate esthetics
    • Clear aligners for adults and teens who want to discreetly straighten their teeth
    • The most up-to-date and sophisticated orthodontic procedures, including surgical and implant orthodontics, for patients with complex cases.

    In our multi-specialty dental practice, our orthodontist is able to closely coordinate your case with our oral surgeon, periodontist, endodontist and family dentist to provide you with the best treatment and optimal perfect smile.

  • Conservative Dentistry:

    In case of mild to moderate pain on hot, cold or sweets, that disappear with the stimulus, your tooth is decayed and needs to be restored with a filling.

    Actually white fillings named composite fillings are used after removal of decay and can match the color of the anterior and posterior teeth.

    Composite fillings are hard enough to replace silver ones that are less and less used.

    Composite fillings can be used to restore endodontically treated teeth and are often combined with fiber posts.

    If the tooth is badly damaged to be filled but not too much to be crowned, a composite, ceramic, or gold restoration is adapted to replace the missed or broken part. This restoration is named an inlay or overlay.

  • Dental Implants:

    If the teeth are hopeless and should be extracted, they may be replaced by implants.
    The dental implant process uses a system of small titanium replacement roots bonded to jaw bone to which a replacement tooth is affixed.

    Implants are the solution for missing one or more teeth, at that time single crown or a bridge over implants should be done.

    In case of total absence of teeth a fixed bridge can replace all teeth or removable denture over implants told overdenture can be done.

    The periodontist is trained in all aspects of dental implant procedures, which can restore functionality to the mouth when teeth have been lost.

  • Pediatric Dentistry

    Our pediatric dentists have the experience and qualifications to care for your child’s teeth from birth through adolescence. The first dental visit should occur within six months after the presence of the first tooth, or by a child’s first birthday.

    The most important part of our treatment is based on preventive dentistry such as:

    • Motivation to a good oral hygiene
    • Diet modification
    • Early caries assessment
    • Fluoride and dental sealants application

    We offer a full array of services including dental treatment of children with special needs, and treatment under general anesthesia for indicated cases.

    Together we strive to provide a friendly and supportive atmosphere to your little ones and deliver the most positive dental experience.

Offering a full range of Medical & Cosmetic Dermatology

Our Dermatologists are Specialized in:

  • Cryotherapy
  • Cyst excision
  • Electrodesiccation
  • Skin tag removal
  • Botulinum toxin of the upper part of the face, nose, perioral area and chin
  • Botulinum toxin for masseteric area
  • Botulinum toxin for the neck area
  • Botulinum toxin for axillary hyperhydrosis
  • Hyaluronic acid filling of the upper face, temporal area, periorbital area, nose, perioral area, lips, nasolabial folds, mid cheek and lower face (chin area and mandible).
  • Hyaluronic acid filling of neck line.
  • Hyaluronic acid filling of the hands.
  • Fractional Radiofrequency
  • Fractional laser CO2
  • Cutera Vascular laser to treat facial telangiectasias, leg veins and other vascular lesions.
  • TCA CROSS peeling for acne scars
  • Electrocautery of benign skin tumor
  • Shaving of benign skin tumors
  • Excisons of naevi